I must apologize for the lack of pretty pictures that you might expect in an art blog, but I am currently reading a book I picked up at the local thrift store for a buck. It's called The Non-Designer's Design Book by Robin Williams . It's a pretty basic book to begin to teach you about laying out type on a page for whatever you might need it for. I'm about half way through it right now, but I thought I'd write a little bit of a review.
In terms of the audience this book is designed for, it is perfect! Robin Williams, the author, doesn't get into a lot of technical details, use unfamiliar terms but includes lots and lots of visual examples. As an art student with some design experience under my belt (though not a lot of working with type), I do find some of it simplistic, but that's pretty much what I would expect. I picked it up to help jump start me into thinking like an artist and getting ready for a full time school workload and it's been great for that! Robin lays out all the simple little techniques we can use to make a brochure, business card, flier, web page etc. look professional. She really teaches us how to use visual elements to make information more accessible, meaningful and pleasing to the eye (I love it when art can be practical!).
I highly recommend this to anyone who makes fliers or brochures in a regular basis, or if you're looking to get into design for whatever reason, or if you are already into design and feel like you need a quick refresher. Like I said, she uses tons of examples so that you can see her principles in use.
On an unrelated note: I finished my first class as a re-admitted college student! Wooo! I took my little vocab quiz yesterday and got my portfolio back and I was done! It was a pretty basic watercolor class and there are no grades yet, but it feels good to have a class under my belt. More about it later when I get everything scanned in an can show you some pictures and talk about my assignments. Pretty pictures! I promise!
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